
Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions of Use outline and regulate the user’s use of content and services provided by Astroficial through our app.




The Astroficial app may periodically revise these Terms of Use. It is the responsibility of the user to periodically review these terms to stay compliant.




By using the Astroficial app, you express your understanding and unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not concur with these terms, refrain from using the app. We urge users to go through the Terms of Use diligently before engaging or registering within the app. Your initiation and continuous usage of the app indicates your acceptance of these terms and your legal agreement to adhere to them.




Astroficial is an app-based service offering astrological content, text-based consultations in response to user queries .The app offers both “Free Services” and “Paid Services”. While Free Services are openly available, to access personalized astrological consultations and Paid Services, registration is required. Registering for Paid Services entails that a Member agrees to:


Provide up-to-date, complete, and accurate self-information as prompted by the app.

Consistently update this information to ensure its accuracy and relevance.




To use Astroficial, you affirm that you are above 18 years of age, qualified to engage in a legally binding contract as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Astroficial will not bear responsibility for misuse due to unauthorized usage. However, queries related to minors within your family can be made, as described in this policy.


Registration requires users to provide accurate, current, and comprehensive information. All submitted details and subsequent updates are termed “Registration Data” in these Terms of Use.


Users can create accounts using their phone numbers, email IDs, or other valid credentials. Users vouch for the authenticity and ongoing accuracy of provided information. Unauthorized usage of another user’s account to access services is strictly forbidden. Any inaccuracies or falsehoods detected can lead to account suspension or termination, and future usage restrictions.


Usage rights are personal. Users are responsible for maintaining their account’s confidentiality. Users are accountable for all actions under their account. Astroficial disclaims liability for losses due to inadequate confidentiality maintenance. Notify Astroficial immediately upon detecting unauthorized account activity. Ensure to log out after sessions.


Users should be aware that some services might come from third parties. Astroficial doesn’t control or oversee information shared with third parties through the app.


It’s understood that personal data, especially payment details, transmitted online might be vulnerable. Astroficial or its payment service providers cannot control potential misuse, hacking, or theft incidents.


Astroficial restricts service usage:


– To users from jurisdictions that legally prohibit our services.


– Due to certain legal or religious practices.


– If users create multiple accounts. Only one active account per user is allowed.


For queries or more details, contact us at [gptjyotisya@gmail.com](mailto:gptjyotisya@gmail.com).




The Astroficial app provides a feature to communicate with the AI consultant. By accepting these Terms of Use, you grant your explicit permission to Astroficial to arrange a call, even if your number is registered under the DND service from your mobile service provider.




Astroficial, and any linked external sources, are proprietary assets.


All engagements within Astroficial, including the guidance and advice received, must abide by these Terms of Use.


Users are prohibited from posting or transmitting content that infringes on the rights of others, is unlawful, abusive, defamatory, privacy-breaching, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Such actions may lead to criminal offences or civil liabilities.


Users violating these guidelines may have their access suspended or terminated. Such users might be barred from accessing Astroficial in the future.


Astroficial retains the right to modify, discontinue or change any aspect of the app, including content, visuals, offers, and settings.


Except for guidance and advice, other informational content on the app shouldn’t be construed as medical advice.


Astroficial doesn’t guarantee the authenticity of medical advice, if provided, by third-party service providers, including registered astrologers. Users should consult qualified health care professionals for relevant guidance. The content doesn’t warrant or suggest that any specific treatment or medication is safe or suitable for users. Astroficial doesn’t endorse specific tests, medications, products, or procedures.


Astroficial disclaims responsibility for any adverse incidents post-service use. Neither Astroficial nor the Service Provider guarantees specific outcomes. Users access Astroficial at their own risk.


When using Astroficial, users agree that legal remedies or liabilities for actions/omissions by other members or third parties will be limited to claims against the offending party. Users agree not to impose liability on or seek legal remedies from Astroficial.




Astroficial reserves access rights to user accounts to maintain high service quality and address customer needs efficiently. By using Astroficial, users provide unconditional consent for the app, its staff, agents, and appointed personnel to access their accounts. For addressing complaints or suspected misuse, Astroficial may review available records on a case-by-case basis. Users are advised to review our Privacy Policy for details regarding such records.




Astroficial holds the discretion to alter, discontinue, or modify any services or user accounts without prior notification. Should users breach these Terms of Use, their registration may be immediately annulled. Grounds for such immediate actions include:


– Inability to validate registration data.


– Actions potentially causing legal repercussions for Astroficial or associated parties.


– Providing misleading or false data.


– Interfering with other users or violating the platform’s privacy policy.


Service providers, including astrologers, should understand their relationship with Astroficial is solely as members. Breaches of our terms may result in profile deactivation.




Every user, including astrologers and members, must respect our privacy policy, terms and conditions, and all additional stipulations. By using Astroficial, users assert they are individuals, not corporations or legal entities. The platform’s usage rights are exclusive to individual users. While interacting on Astroficial, users mustn’t:


– Share misleading, harmful, defamatory, or abusive content.


– Share unauthorized content.


– Violate intellectual property rights.


– Harvest members’ information for spam or ads.


– Send unsolicited emails or promotions.


– Distribute harmful files or software.


– Disrupt platform access.


– Try unauthorized website access.


– Disregard relevant Indian or international laws.


– Commercially exploit services without written consent.


– Disobey these Terms of Use.


– Manipulate platform information or software.


– Transmit harmful or illegal material.


– Hinder other members’ platform experience.


– Overstep these guidelines.


By registering on Astroficial, users agree to:


– Accept app/website communication, including through Whatsapp Business Messages.


– Not share inappropriate or harmful content.


– Not incite criminal activities or civil liabilities.


– Report any platform abuse or misuse to our Customer Care.


False reports may result in account termination without subscription fee refunds. Users behaving irrationally or abusively during interactions, especially with service providers, may lose access to Astroficial services. Any repeated violations could result in a user ban. Wallet balances, if applicable, will be refunded after accounting for potential violation-related charges.




– Users must provide accurate banking details when needed.


– The debit/credit card details given by the user should be valid and lawfully owned by them.


– Users can pay fees via debit/credit card or online banking.


– It’s the user’s responsibility to ensure:


  – Lawful usage of cards and bank accounts.


  – Accuracy of provided account details.


  – Sufficient funds are available for payment.


– If any term is found invalid, a valid provision will replace it while the rest remain in effect.




– The website offers no warranties for its services.


– Astrological advice is based on individual astrologers’ knowledge and may vary.


– Recommendations by astrologers are given in good faith.


– The website and associated parties do not guarantee:


  – Service meeting user’s requirements.


  – Uninterrupted, timely, secure, error-free service.


  – Accuracy of the results.


  – Quality of products or services.


  – Corrections in software errors.


– Users should provide complete information to astrologers for accurate advice.


– The website provides services “as is” with no warranty.


– The website isn’t responsible for:


  – Unauthorized use of user accounts.


  – Information accuracy or completeness.


  – Delays or technical issues.


  – Damages from downloading data.


  – Typographical errors.


– Services are for entertainment only.


– No warranties, even if advice is given.


– Services include astrological content, readings, consultations, and products.


– The website doesn’t vouch for astrological effects or product reliability.


– Astrologers are verified members, not employees, and the website doesn’t guarantee their advice’s accuracy.


– The platform isn’t for suicide intervention. In case of such thoughts, seek immediate professional help.


– The website isn’t liable for inaccuracies, errors, delays, or data transmission issues.


– Astroficial’s liability is limited to the amount paid by the user.


This is a comprehensive  covering the main points and details of the passage. Let me know if you’d like it further condensed.






The User will protect the Website and its affiliates from any third-party claims, liabilities, or costs that arise from the User’s use of the Services, violations of the Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, or any infringement of someone else’s rights. This will also benefit successors and licensees of the Website.




Content on the Website, including text, music, photos, graphics, and more, is protected by copyright and other laws. Users aren’t allowed to replicate or use this Content unless given permission by the Website. Content sources like Google Images are used, but the company (Astroficial Services Private Limited) isn’t responsible for potential copyright issues.




Notices to users will be sent either through email or snail mail. Emails are considered received after 24 hours, while snail mail after 3 days. Physical notices are to be sent to the specified address in New Delhi, India.


**Restricted Content: Child Endangerment**


The Astroficial App forbids content that exploits or harms children, including all child sexual abuse materials. Actions like grooming, trafficking, inappropriate interaction with minors, and promoting negative body images or harmful activities towards children are prohibited. Any identified content that abuses or sexually exploits minors will lead to immediate account deletion and the necessary action taken. Apps that appeal to kids but contain adult themes, like excessive violence or dangerous actions, are also not allowed.




**Inappropriate Content Standards for the App**


**Sexual Content and Profanity:**


    – No promotion of sexual content, including pornography or content with sexually predatory behavior.


    – No content suggesting compensation in exchange for sexual acts.


    – Content violations include nudity, suggestive poses, sex act depictions, sexually suggestive body parts, lewd or profane content, bestiality, sex-related entertainment, content objectifying people, and non-consensual sexual content created via technology.


    – Accounts violating these policies can be deleted immediately by the owner.


**Hate Speech:**


    – Content promoting violence or hatred against protected groups (based on race, religion, disability, age, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, and other characteristics linked to discrimination) is prohibited.


    – Violations include content asserting hatred, promoting hate symbols, and encouraging discrimination against a protected group.




    – No content should depict or encourage unnecessary violence or dangerous actions.


    – Violations include graphic violence, promotion of self-harm, suicide, and harmful games that can lead to serious injury or death.


**Terrorist Content:**


    – Terrorist organizations are not allowed to publish any content.


    – Content that promotes terrorist acts, encourages violence, or celebrates terrorist attacks is prohibited.


**Dangerous Organizations and Movements:**


    – Movements/organizations that have engaged in or prepared for acts of violence against civilians are not allowed to publish content.


    – Content glorifying or preparing for violence against civilians is banned.


**Sensitive Events:**


    – Content should not exploit or be insensitive to significant events with social, cultural, or political impacts.


    – Violations include content insensitive to deaths, denying well-documented tragic events, or trying to profit from such events without benefiting the victims.



**App Content and User Behavior Guidelines**


**Bullying and Harassment:**


    – No content should contain or facilitate threats, harassment, or bullying.


    – Violations include bullying victims of conflicts, exploitation, public humiliation, and harassing victims of tragic events or their families.


**Dangerous Products:**


    – The app prohibits content that facilitates the sale of explosives, firearms, ammunition, and specific firearm accessories.


    – Content that provides manufacturing instructions for dangerous items, including weapons, is banned.


**Psychotropic drugs:**


    – Users are prohibited from facilitating the sale of marijuana products, tobacco, or encouraging inappropriate alcohol use.


    – Sale of psychotropic drugs or those restricted under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules 1945 is forbidden.


**Black Magic, Witchcraft, Voodoo, and Tantrism:**


    – Engaging in or promoting these practices is strictly prohibited. If discovered, the account may be deleted.


**Astroficial Services:**


    – Terms apply to all users of Astroficial Services Private Limited.


    – Astroficial doesn’t control third-party website content and isn’t responsible for it.


    – Astroficial doesn’t endorse or necessarily agree with user or third-party content.


**Errors, Corrections, and Service Modification:**


    – Astroficial doesn’t guarantee that its site will be error-free or virus-free.


    – The features or content of Astroficial may change, and Astroficial can edit or delete any content.


    – Services or sites can be modified or discontinued anytime.


**Governing Law and Jurisdiction:**


    – Disputes related to the app’s Terms of Usage will be arbitrated in India.


    – The arbitration will adhere to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, with proceedings in English and the arbitration seat in New Delhi.


    – Parties have the right to seek interim relief from a New Delhi court.


    – Legal proceedings will be under Indian jurisdiction, with New Delhi as the venue.


    – Contrary actions to these provisions may lead to a fine up to One Lakh Rupees INR.


    – The Terms of Usage adhere to Indian laws and any unenforceable provisions will be adjusted to maintain the objective, with the remainder staying in effect.


    – Disputes related to the services will fall under the jurisdiction of a New Delhi court, especially for intellectual property rights infringements.